Thursday, October 1, 2015

Field Trip!

Today was Emily's first middle school field trip.  We found out about it several weeks ago, and once I found out it was a trip to the George Bush Presidential Library, I immediately hoped Emily wouldn't mind if I chaperoned--thankfully, she didn't! I'd never been there before and have been wanting to go, so I was excited for the chance to not only go there but to get to go with her class.  Who knows how much longer she'll let me hang around....I'll take all the chances I can get!

We went to the Meadows Art Museum, Jason's Deli for lunch, and then the Presidential Library.  Things were a little rushed at both the museum and the library, but it was still a fun day.  Emily even wanted me to sit with her on the bus ride from school since her friends weren't in our group.  (Again, who cares about the reason--she wanted me to sit with her on a middle school bus ride!)  She did eventually link up with a new friend from history and sat with her on the ride home, which was fine with me.

It was fun to see her among some new friends today and get a taste of 6th grade life.  And I loved the presidential library--now I just want to go back and have more time to actually read all the signage and sit through the short movies playing throughout the rooms.

All in all, definitely a thankful Thursday. :)

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