Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Bible Study Fellowship started back a few weeks ago, and, for the first time ever, Revelation is the book we are studying.  It has been highly anticipated as it is a new study and so many want to know more about the end times.  I think those of us in leadership have been a bit anxious about leading our groups with such a hard topic (or at least I have been!), but it has been AMAZING so far!  I feel my anticipation of Jesus' return growing as we have been looking at prophecies and an overview of Revelation.  It has been incredible to look at how clearly the Lord has fulfilled prophecies already and to look ahead at what He is still going to do.

Even better this year, the whole family is in Bible Study Fellowship.  E and J don't start going to class until Monday, but they started doing the lessons last week, and it is such a blessing to get to study alongside my children.  Jeff and I have the exact same lesson and then E and J have different levels of the lesson as well, so we are all studying the same overall topic and Scriptures with various degrees of questions.  I love that we will all be learning the same thing and can talk about what God is saying to us through the lessons.

And, again this year, I have been blessed with the best discussion group ever.  I don't know how that happens every year, but I am just in love with these ladies and their desire to know God more.  It is such a testimony to me to hear their stories and see how the Lord is working in their lives.

I am so thankful that, when the time was right, the Lord prompted me to join BSF, and now my whole family is able to take part in it as well.  God is doing mighty things through His people, and I am humbled to be able to be part of it.

Thank you, Lord, for Bible Study Fellowship and its impact on so many!

Beauty from Ashes

After a several month hiatus, I am jumping back into blog land with a brand new blog.  Our family has walked a road we never expected nor asked for, and the changes that have taken place (and will continue to take place) call for a new place to write.  Hence, this blog Beauty from Ashes.

Many times when we see destruction, our eyes see the ugly, the dirty, the disaster.  But I serve a great God, and He can see so much more.  He sees the redemption, the growth, the beauty.  And that is what I want to see.  For far too long, I have been living in the ashes, and I am ready to see the beauty that is rising from them.

Our family's story did not end this summer, and as we walk the road the Lord has led us on, we will continue to look to the One who has brought us here.  His ways are good, and He makes everything beautiful in its time.

Through the whispers, the judgment, and the misunderstandings, we will cling to the Lord, for He alone knows our hearts and knows our circumstances.  And He is with us every step of the way.

Our story does not end in ashes, and this blog is a place to begin writing about the beauty once again. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store!